Sugar No 11


  • L. 1855.2
  • H. 1858.2
  • Ch. -26.4
  • Ch.% -1.43%
Costs & Margins
  • Sugar No 11 is the name of futures contract that is considered the benchmark for all futures and options contracts of sugar traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).

    Sugar production takes place mostly in tropical and subtropical climates in countries like Brazil, India, China, Thailand and Australia. While changes in climate are the most significant variables to sugar production, other factors also influence the commodity’s price. Government regulation of sugar content in foods or product labelling in large markets can change the demand for sugar. Sugar’s increasing use in biofuel production also influences its price.

    A single contract of sugar represents 112,000 pounds of unrefined can sugar.

  • Margin From
    20.0 %
  • Trading Hours
    7:30:00 AM - 5:00:00 PM
  • Min Trade Size
  • Long
  • Short
  • Min Stop Distance
    0.0 Points
  • Guaranteed Order Minimum
    0.1 Points
  • Spreads
  • Spreads From
    2.0 Points
  • Margins
  • 0 +
    20.0 %
  • Dealing
  • Spreads
    2.0 Points
  • Guaranteed Order Min Distance
    0.1 Points
  • Margins
  • 0 +
    20.0 %

Pivot points
Pivot point
Last Updated: 7/26/2024 5:00:00 PM
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Is commodity trading good for beginners?

Commodity trading can be a good option for beginners, as long as you understand the risks involved and have a solid trading strategy in place. If you’re new to the markets, though, we’d recommend going through the City Index Academy and trying out trading risk-free in our free demo before opening a live account.

You can use your City Index demo to buy and sell our full range of markets, including commodities, with virtual capital. It’s a great way to see which asset classes are a good fit for you without risking any real capital.

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How do I calculate how much margin I need to trade a commodity?

To work out how much margin you need to trade a commodity market, you divide the notional value of your position by its margin factor. Say, for example, that you want to open an oil position worth $5000 and oil has a margin factor of 10%. You’d need (10% of $5000) $500 as margin.

How you calculate the notional value of your trade depends on how you’re trading the commodity. With CFDs, it’s the number of contracts you’re trading multiplied by the value of each individual contract.

Learn more about how to trade commodities.

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Can anyone trade commodities?

Anyone can trade commodities, as long as they meet the requirements to open a City Index account. Commodity trading is leveraged, though, which means it’s riskier than traditional investing. Learn more about the risks of CFD trading.

With City Index, you can trade commodities alongside stocks, indices, forex and more – all on a single platform with one login. All City Index clients get access to our full range of markets, including 25+ commodities.

To get started, open a trading account.

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