Account Information

Create your account quickly and easily in minutes

Log in to complete a started application

  • Your password must contain:
  • 8-15 characters
  • 1 uppercase letter
  • 1 lowercase letter
  • 1 number
  • 1 symbol or special character
    ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
How would you like to proceed?
The quickest way to apply with no need to provide ID documents. Apply using Myinfo and you could be trading in minutes.
Please make a selection.
Please provide your first name exactly as it appears on your passport or ID.
Please provide your last name exactly as it appears on your passport or ID.

Account Type

Select all account types that you’d like to open.


By clicking the ‘Save and Next’ button I confirm that I have read and agree to the City Index Privacy Notice (including as to how my personal data may be collected, used or disclosed), and I consent to being contacted about my application and the products offered by City Index.